Traditional Indigenous Games – presenter training

On Thursday 26 March, a group of students (Indigenous and non-Indigenous) were involved in a Department of Sport and Recreation program to increase awareness of and introduce children to Traditional Indigenous Games.

The presenter was Ethan Williams who started the day by introducing the history of the collection of games and the resources available online to assist young people who might be teaching the games. He then gave the students much-needed and essential information about organising children for games and activities. This involved making the games simpler or more complicated, ensuring safety, and keeping the kids in lines, or behind markers etc.

Our students then moved outside to sample some of the games. Ethan and Mark Rose set up a series of game stations to allow the students to easily progress from one game to the next.

The activities were varied and interesting. Some involved hitting a ball away from, and ‘protecting’ a set of stumps (related to women protecting their babies), whilst others involved throwing a ball at a target on the ground (related to men trying to wound and capture an animal). All who participated enjoyed the games. Those students who completed the sessions with Ethan and Mark will be presented with a certificate of participation, which acknowledges their training.

It is hoped that during NAIDOC Week celebrations, students will be able to share their new knowledge and skills with local primary school students. Congratulations to all students who participated on the day.